The Right Way Of Blogging In 2022 – Revenue Expectations

Gone are the days when several bloggers talked about ways to make your blog successful. But did they really work for you? Or did you even apply those? Let’s be a bit practical. And work the way actually blogging in 2022 is going to be making money for you.

The blog is equal to = A House. Just like every house needs a strong foundation and pillars; your blog needs it too. However, a blog takes around 1 year to form its foundation. And pillar remains in the ‘Work-In-Progress’ stage. Most of the bloggers give up before the foundation is even formed.

How could you expect a house to be built without a sturdy base and support?

And this logic makes sense. But unfortunately, only a few understand the concept and go way beyond imagination. Just by using a simple formula of CONSISTENCY & PATIENCE.

Here I’ve plotted every point and stage of the blog with a simple example of formation.

If you want to compare your journey with the actual process; dive into the Blogging Journey From Week 4.

The primary 5 phases of blogging are broken into 10 stages for better understanding.

Stage 1 – Go Block By Block: Start Building Your Blog, Post-By-Post

The very first stage of blogging includes posting 60-80 articles in the first 3 months.

Expect No to Low Income for the next 5 stages.

(The step to register domain and hosting is by default a crucial step prior to the first stage of blogging).

Publish cumulative posts including Query-Based, Data-Based, Pillar Posts, Comparison Posts, etc.

Incorporate with Ad Networks to start earning from ads.

Apply for Adsense or Ezoic, or both in order to start getting competitive revenue.

Also, do plan for affiliates based on relevance to your niche.

Compare Blogging Journey Month-By-Month

Stage 2 – Get The Foundation Ready & Sturdy!

The foundation of your blog gets ready and strong when you successfully do the following:

  • Publish 120 posts
  • Associate Ad Networks
  • Automate The Posts In Social Media

NOTE: Majority Of Bloggers Give Up At This Foundational Stage Which Is 6-8 Months Of Work.

Stage 3 – Framing: Now Focus On Theme Design, Structure & Improving UX

At the initial stage, you really don’t need a fancy theme. You can think of designing the blog after you’ve reached 120 quality & lengthy posts.

The most important aspect would be maintaining the fastest loading speed choosing the right theme designed from an SEO perspective.

Let users enjoy navigating on your smooth functioning interface.

The better it gets, the more users stay on your site.

Stage 4 – Follow Up: Get Advice, Follow a Mentor To Continue

Once you’ve passed the primary 3 stages of blogging in 2022, do follow an expert blogger who has already achieved success from several blogs but not limited up to one.

Try interacting with them personally. Ask related issues and appropriate solutions.

NOTE: No one would understand your blog better than you. So do seek their advice, but apply only if seems beneficial.

Your overall goal should be to increase the traffic and pageviews. Do not take any wrong action leading to reduced expected outcomes.

Stage 5 – Organize The Catogorize: What To Set & Where

By this stage, you’ve already completed 1 year of blogging.

Though you’ve already set all the categories, it is still advisable to create a dedicated page for categories; despite that id niches. Do add up all the categories with images to make it easier to understand what it relates to.

Let this page for all categories be added as a part of the menu.

Let users navigate through it all across the blog. This would increase 20% more chances for users to engage and spend more time on site. It is also a helpful way to increase pageviews.

Stage 6 – Fixing The Issues Occuring In The Search Console & UI

It’s quite normal to see errors within the search console. When the console is signaling about something, that means it’s quite important and should be fixed ASAP.

The bugs may appear at the theme or coding end. It is essential to look into the front-end problems that may terrible affect the user experience.

Stage 7 – Consistency & Building With Freelance Writer

By this stage of blogging in 2022, you should be able to hire a blogger making some investment. Though you’re earning a small amount of income; You should never lose hope. And keep re-investing the same amount.

Blog Age Since Started: 1.5 Year

Estimated Revenue: USD $1200-1500 p/m

Hire a professional freelance writer to write most of the articles.

Keep Publishing 12-20 posts every month.

And you, instead, spend more time promoting your blog on social media, YouTube, and several platforms.

Believe in yourself. The investment of time, energy, and money is eventually going to pay you back.

Stage 8 – Not Done Yet: Roof Your Blog By Protecting From Spams & Hacks

At this point, your blog is mature enough to grow. This does not mean it’s completely ready and you’re supposed to relax.

Blog Age Since Started: 2.5 Years (30 months)

Estimated Revenue: USD $3000-$5k p/m

You’re not resting until the goal of making a full-time income from the blog is achieved.

The number of spammers and hacking attempts will still continue.

Protect your blog with appropriate plugins or buy any protection & backup plan.

Stage 9 – Blog House Is Finished: Earning a Full Time Income

The time when you’ve already completed major years of blogging. You are a pro-creator now; earning a full-time income as you dreamt of.

Blog Age Since Started: 3.5 Years (42 months)

Estimated Revenue: USD $5k-$8k p/m

Now is the time you can recruit more people to write quality content for your existing blog.

Also, plan for 2 new blogs in 2 different niches. Appoint expert writers to write for new blogs as well.

Keep growing your empire.

Stage 10 – Maintenance, Add More Affiliates, Get Sponsorships & Grow More

The more you update your old posts, the fresher the content would remain.

Fresh content means more traffic and pageviews. Which would ultimately increase your income.

Add more affiliate options instead of relying only on Ad Networks.

Build a solid connection with the audience through email marketing. Let more and more visitors subscribe to your email listing.

The more you get visible within SERPs, the more you get sponsorships. And the earning from sponsorship would be way too much compared to ads or affiliates on a monthly basis.

Keep digging, keep blogging!

The estimated income and achievement is solely based on blogging. Here YouTube and other platforms are not taken into consideration. To know how you can do better opting for all platforms – look into comparing the Blogging Journey From Week 4

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